

  1. Mesotherapy is a non-invasive treatment which helps to stimulate fat metabolism. It’s a series of mini-injections which melt away fatty deposits under the skins surface. Mesotherapy is also a highly effective rejuvenating treatment. The procedure can be used to tone and tighten sagging skin on the neck, legs, abdomen, arms and hands. Re-dermalization Mesotherapy has a corrective and healing effect as it stimulates fibroblast activity which in turn results in stimulating an increase in collagen production in the skin.

  2. Mesotherapy involves tiny superficial injections of a potent skin rejuvenating cocktail of vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, and amino acids. When this cocktail is injected across the skin barrier to where it can have an effect, it promotes the production of collagen and elastin, all while stimulating the skin’s metabolism. Mesotherapy is also known as “skin-prick rejuvenation,” as it helps give your skin the boost it needs to look brighter and feel firmer, as well as fade the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Mesotherapy treatments take approximately 30-45 minutes to administer.

  3. It is a revolutionary product that helps to dissolve local fat. It may remove unflattering and stubborn areas of fat without the need for liposuction or surgery. Injection lipolysis works by hydrolyzing the wall of the fat cells and therefore making it release its lipid content within. This then breaks down the fat cells and lets them be removed from the body via natural processes. Injection Lipolysis is a flexible fat dissolving injection treatment as it can be used almost anywhere in the body and is particularly popular in reducing the fatty deposits such as upper arms, double chins and muffin tops.

  4. Popular areas for Injection Lipolysis:
    – Double chin
    – Upper arms
    – Buffalo humps
    – Chest fat (in men)
    – Lower abdomen
    – Muffin top Hips
    – Pre jowl sulcus
    – Inner thigh
    – Knees

  5. Instead of surgery or invasive treatments, which can require weeks off work and are also painful procedures, Injection Lipolysis is a treatment that can be done with minimal downtime and minimum time investment. Despite the short treatment time, it delivers powerful and impactful results for patients and you’ll see the fat deposits lessening over weeks after the treatment.

  6. For people who want fat loss focused on a specific area, or need help ‘contouring’ their shape – Injection Lipolysis is also a fantastic choice.

  7. The MesoLipo fat melting injection is a treatment designed for body and facial contouring and can be used to shape selected body parts to your liking. Using mesotherapy techniques, it targets localized fat deposits and cellulite and is less invasive than alternative methods such as liposuction. This injection comprises natural soybean lecithin and enzymes that help to target and dissolve small and stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to other methods of weight loss.

  8. Mesolipo is becoming preferable than liposuction due to its less invasive procedure and great outcome. Other benefits of doing Mesolipo including:
    – No need for a general anesthetic as the procedure is painless and does not cause discomfort
    – Short recovery period, allowing a swift return to work and normal activities
    – More affordable than other surgical alternatives
    – Contours body, resulting in a shapelier figure
    – Improves the appearance of skin and reduces cellulite

  9. Areas of the body that can be treated with mesolipo fat melting include love handles, tummy, saddle bags, bra bulge, inner thigh bulge, buttocks, knee pads, double chin, face, neck, arms, back, hands and waist. Before mesotherapy treatment, patients are assessed by the doctor to determine suitability for the treatment.

  10. Mesolipo treatment is not recommended in pregnancy, patients who are on blood thinners, insulin dependent diabetics, patients with cancer or in remission, patients with AIDS, patients with coronary artery disease or heart dysfunction, people with arrhythmias, history of blood clots or strokes, patients with autoimmune diseases or organ transplant recipients and patients with skin conditions including herpes and psoriasis.