Men & Women

Showing a woman's uterus in the form of a painting, the uterus is surrounded by flowers and leaves to indicate the need to focus on the health of the uterus and vagina tightening.

Vagina Tightening

CO2 laser treatments offer painless, non-surgical treatment options for vaginal tightening, both of which induce collagen regeneration in the vaginal mucosa, strengthening the vaginal walls and narrowing (tightening) the diameter of the vaginal cavity. Treatment takes only a few minutes and produces immediate tightening and contraction.

There is now available, a remarkably effective, painless and long-term solution to the problem of vaginal stretching or Vaginal Relaxation Syndrome (VRS), a condition suffered to varying degrees not only by most post-menopausal women, but by a majority of younger women who have experienced childbirth.Our laser vaginal tightening procedure is a non-surgical laser procedure designed to tighten the tissues of your pelvic area.

Benefits of Vaginal Tightening

Many women experience a loss of elasticity in this area following childbirth or as a consequence of aging (vaginal atrophy). This can lead to a decrease in sensation, as well as other undesirable effects.

Many women are unhappy with the condition of their vaginas after childbirth or vaginal atrophy due to:
– A lack of sensation during intercourse
– Dryness and itchiness (which can occur with aging and menopause)
– Incontinence/LBL (light bladder leakage)

Vagina Tightening

What is Vaginal Tightening Treatment For?

  • Vaginal looseness (laxity)
  • A dry, uncomfortable vagina
  • Stress urinary incontinence (leaking urine when you cough, sneeze, or laugh)
  • Sexual dysfunction due to tissue weakness
  • Non-surgical vaginal tightening


Non-surgical and incision-less treatment for vaginal tightening. This treatment is sometimes referred to as vaginal rejuvenation and is virtually pain-free. It can be performed as a rapid procedure with very little downtime. It’s important to know that this treatment is very similar to laser therapy on any other part of the body and is completely safe, using CO2 Edge One laser for the vagina tightening.