
Whitening Treatment

Laser Skin Whitening Program is the laser skin technique developed by us and it is designed to make your skin “glow”.

– Clearer skin – by improving skin pigmentation
– Brighter skin – by producing overall skin whitening
– Smoother skin – by producing better skin texture
– Tighter skin – by increasing skin tone
– Fewer blemishes – freckles, moles, age spots, hair, large pores, acne, blood vessels.
– Younger looking skin – by reducing fine wrinkles
– It is safe for Asian and darker skin types.

How effective are vitamin injections for skin brightening?

Vitamin injection is designed to help you brighten your overall complexion naturally in a safe manner that evens out your skin tone and revitalizes your skin.

How does platelet-rich plasma therapy work for skin revitalization?

Platelet-rich plasma therapy; PRP treatments is a procedure whereby your platelets are isolated and concentrated and re-injected back to areas of the face to bring about the revitalization of the skin and a fairer, more even skin tone.

How does Q Switch laser work to treat pigmentation issues in patients with Asian or darker skin types?

Q Switch laser has proven to be safer and more effective when treating patients with Asian or darker skin types with pigmentation issues. Q switch laser is a gentle laser using extremely short bursts of photo-acoustic energy to disrupt pigment containing cells, which is then cleared by macrophages in our skin, fading and clearing the treated area gradually.

We use different Laser settings (or protocols) to treat the following conditions:

– Melasma
– Post Inflammation Hyperpigmentation
– Nevus of Ota
– Solar Lentigo
– Pigmented Age Spots
– Pigmented Birthmarks
– Asian Skin Whitening and Pore Reduction

How does laser toning work to reduce pigmentation and improve skin tone?

Laser toning is a unique treatment for melasma as it uses the laser energy to reduce visible pigmentation by breaking down melanin molecules naturally, allowing your immune system to remove them. At the same time, it has additional benefits in terms of improved skin tone and texture with minimal risk of adverse effects and virtually no downtime. Laser toning is used at True Skin to treat a range of skin pigmentation issues including melasma, PIH, hyper pigmentation, brown spots, and freckles.

How does a chemical peel work to address skin issues such as open pores, sun damage, and fine lines?

In simple terms a chemical peel is a treatment that uses an acid to remove the outer layers of the skin. The acid is allowed to penetrate into the superficial layer of the skin (epidermis) to produce a quick exfoliation and freshen up or deeper into the skin (dermis) to achieve correction of skin problems. These can be open pores, sun damage, uneven texture, fine lines and laxity.

What skin issues can Fractional CO2 laser treatment effectively address?

Fractional Carbon Dioxide (CO2) laser skin re-surfacing treatment is one of the most advanced skin rejuvenation treatments available and is known for being effective in treating both superficial and deep skin problems, such as acne scarring, wrinkles and pigmentation with minimal downtime. The skin is smoother, fresher and more youthful.

How does intravenous vitamin C treatment help lighten skin tone and even out skin color?

Vitamin C treatment will also serve to lighten the tone of your skin and even out your skin color. The contents of the drips are whitening properties such as vitamin C, collagen and glutathione. These are injected into a pint of normal saline using aseptic technique. The site of injection is identified and disinfected. A butterfly needle is inserted into the vein and the whitening drip is administered intravenously.