
Tattoo Removal

  1. Tattoo removal is a procedure done to try to remove an unwanted tattoo. Tattoo ink is placed beneath the top layer of the skin. That makes tattoo removal more complicated — and expensive — than the original tattoo application. Tattoo removal might also be important if you develop an allergic reaction to the tattoo or other complications, such as an infection. use Spectra Q-switched Nd-YAG lasers machine, which release energy in a single, powerful pulse. This laser is often the treatment of choice for tattoo removal because it only causes minor discomfort compared to other tattoo removal treatments. Some tattoo might require multiple sessions of laser treatment depend the sizes and the color of the tattoo. Note: Individual results may vary.

  2. This laser is a non-invasive treatment can safely remove your tattoo, whilst minimizing the risks of scarring or loss of skin colour (hypopigmentation).

  3. Q-switched laser that can operate at two different wavelengths to be effective with darker colours (blacks and blues, 1064nm), as well brighter colours, like red and orange (532nm).

  4. Q-switched Nd; YAG Laser are designed for tattoo removal and pigmented lesion treatments, this laser technology is considered as ‘gold Standard’ in tattoo removal and offers the most effective, reliable and safest way to remove unwanted tattoos.

  5. Q-switched lasers produce very short bursts of high energy laser light. The light is absorbed by the large ink particles, generating heat that shatters the tattoo pigment into minute particles which the body removes naturally through the immune system. Because the laser energy is selectively absorbed by the tattoo ink, the surrounding skin doesn’t overheat and there is no lasting damage. Multiple treatments are required to remove a tattoo.

  6. The mechanical Q-Switched effect works by vibrating and breaking down the ink particles in the tattoo. As the area heals, the body’s immune system flushes away the shattered ink particles, causing the tattoo to fade with minimal risk of scarring or hypopigmentation.

  7. Laser treatment is one of the most popular and effective techniques for fading and removing unwanted tattoos, although the results depend on the type of tattoo and the colour of the ink. The Private Skin Laser Clinic uses Q switched Nd:Yag and Ruby laser technology. This means we have three different wavelengths available to treat the widest range of tattoo inks. The bright light emitted by the laser heats up your tattoo ink so that it breaks down and eventually fades. This can be a slow process and you will probably need a number of treatments.

  8. Black ink absorbs all the laser light and therefore fades more than any other colour. Some coloured inks are highly resistant to laser treatment – in particular, tattoos in green ink. If you have an amateur Indian ink tattoo, it will probably respond well to treatment, whereas multi-coloured professional tattoos are less likely to disappear altogether.

  9. The Nd: Yag Laser is aimed at the ink particles under the skin which in turn breaks the ink down into smaller particles. The body then absorbs and flushes these particles out through the lymphatic system. The sensation of the Nd; Yag laser tattoo removal is often described as a small rubber band being snapped onto the skin. Most clients tolerate this sensation well and the discomfort goes away directly after the treatment.