
A serene spa-like setting where a client enjoys a deep cleansing facial treatment, promoting glowing and healthy skin through expert skincare techniques.

Medical Grade Facial

Chemical peel is a technique used to regenerate skin; it is also an anti-aging procedure. Nowadays, a chemical peel procedure is one of the most commonly performed aesthetic treatments. You need a dermatologist to evaluate your skin and the application is done by a trained aesthetic doctor. The procedure involves topical application of a chemical solution to improve and smooth the texture of the skin by removing its damaged outer layers. It is helpful for individuals with facial blemishes, wrinkles and uneven skin pigmentation. It is said to be one of the safest and most effective aesthetic treatment available.

The chemical peel helps:

  • Treat acne,like the black heads, whiteheads and the mild superficial acne scars
  • Reduce the appearance of pigmentation of the skin like sun spots, age spots and freckles, melasma from hormonal causes.
  • Reduce melasma from hormonal causes.
  • Minimize fine wrinkles, especially around the eyes, which are caused by chronic sun damage.
Medical grade Facial

Treatment Procedure

The skin is thoroughly cleansed and the appropriate concentration of acid will be applied on the treated area depending on patient’s skin condition. An itchy or stinging sensation may be felt during the procedure. Depending on the type of peel used, a neutralizer may be applied to neutralize the acid. A cold pack will be provided during the treatment should any burning or stinging sensation occur.There are three chemicals, the glycolic acid (alpha hydroxy acids AHA), the more potent, trichloroacetic acid, and the Jessners solution (containing lactic and salicylic acid).

The doctor applies the solution to exfoliate the skin. You will feel a hot sensation for 5 to 10 minutes. The deeper peels are more painful and may require anesthetic creams before the procedure. Within the next few days, the face will be red, scaly, and peel off

Following the peel, the specialist will extract blackheads and whiteheads using a magnifying glass to help clear the skin of all impurities. Extraction of comedones on the nose will clear clogged or congested pores. With the extraction, we can remove blackheads, whiteheads or microcysts using a microneedle. This procedure is completely painless and does not require anesthesia. Areas of active acne or inflammation will not be treated at this stage due to chances of scarring.

Extractions are administrated to unclog pores which have become blocked with dead skin cells and sebum. Most men and women consider extractions as the practice of eliminating blackheads, although blackheads are certainly common goals during extractions, they aren’t the only clogged pores we work on. Based on how large they are, pimples and pustules can also be eliminated during extractions. Whiteheads aren’t normally touched during extractions, because doing so can force more of the infection that’s causing the blemish under the skin. This can aggravate future breakouts.

Medical grade Facial

Post Treatment

Once the initial burning or stinging sensation has worn off, your skin may feel a little tight. Patients are advised to apply the quick recovery cream 2 times a day to prevent cracking. Please avoid the usage of topical acne medication, harsh cleansers, toners and abrasives such as scrubs for at least 3 days or as advised by the doctor.

The skin may then begin to peel between 5 and 7 days later. Please allow the peeled skin to come off naturally. Sometimes, a secondary peel may occur during the 2nd week in the form of dry scaling skin. Sunscreen is strongly recommended for at least the first 3 months. Generous application of moisturizer,vitamin creams, AHA creams or enzyme creams will also be helpfu lto further improve the skin texture.Continuous usage of sunscreen will prevent sun damage and therefore maintain the texture of the skin in good condition.

Having a radiant skin is always important, customized facial mask hydrate and rejuvenate skin cells while penetrating enzymes and nutrients deep into skin. The facial begins with a thorough cleansing, extractions, custom serums, and mask. This treatment achieves incredible results.

Depending on the acid and strength of the acid used, the procedure can be repeated anywhere between a 1 to 4 week interval.
